Friday, May 7, 2010

Travis' Review of Iron Man 2! It Rhymes!

So last night I saw Iron Man 2 at midnight on a legit IMAX. The 6 stories tall kind, not the half-assed things some theaters call IMAX. First off, my fellow movie-goers were not, uh, to put it nicely, "socially capable" on average. To give you an idea, if I can't tell what sex you are because your hair is chick-length and you are in such bad shape that you should either wear a better bra or a girdle, your chances of ending your virginity streak are pretty slim. I know that's really vicious, but I don't feel even the slightest guilt for my assessment because A) It's correct. And B) The audience was endlessly annoying. And I used to work at a movie theater, so it's rare that these types bother me. Just unnecessary amounts of screaming before the show started, during the trailers (though the Tron Legacy trailer is pretty understandable in this regard). Though I must give my auditorium credit. As soon as the trailer for Twilight: Attack of the Vivacious Vamps and Fabulous Furballs started, the entire crowd erupted in boos until it ended. That I was ok with.

Now, the movie itself has received some mixed reviews elsewhere. It was definitely less action-packed than the last one, something that most people don't like about it. I, on the other hand, loved it. Can we just reflect on how cool Robert Downey Jr. is for a second? I mean seriously, the guy is just awesome, and this movie is no exception. The RDJ returns yet again as Tony Stark, eccentric millionaire with the killer suit (both Iron and tux) and that douchebaggy attitude that you can't help but love. Don Cheadle replaced Terrance Howard as Lt. Rhodes, aka. War Machine, and while I wasn't thrilled about it at first, he definitely grew on me, and the change of casting is for the better ultimately. Pepper Potts is reprized by Gweneth Paltrow, as is Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Oh, and Scarlett Johansson plays someone who is usually in tight and revealing clothing. She was important to the plot I'm sure.....

Anyway, IM2 was less actiony, but the fight scenes were very cool, especially seeing Iron Man and War Machine kicking some serious ass together against Mickey Rourke. But where there were less guns a-blazing, there was a LOT more humor and witty banter, which I loved. RDJ is normally known for being the wise-cracking type, and he does it as well here as he does anywhere else. It was Paltrow and Cheadle's ability to keep up that really made it all work together.

My favorite part of the movie was (unsurprisingly) the technology (Scarlett was a close second, don't worry). Not only did the gadgets and gizmos look super cool, but a thought hit me as I was walking out of the theater: "Holy crap. None of that was really too unrealistic". Now obviously that's an exaggeration, we're quite some time away from even basic jetpacks (seriously, wtf is taking so long, Science?), but the augmented reality displays, multitouch clear glass displays, and even the 3D gesture-based computing Tony does is not out of the realm of possibility right now.

Overall, I have to give this movie a solid 7/10. Great effects and fight scenes, as expected, great performances by the cast all around, SCARLETTT JOHANSSON, and some awesome semi-realistic tech. Definitely worth seeing, and it WILL get you excited for next summer's Thor and Captain America (since you see a little of both), and even more excited for 2012's The Avengers movie. And did I mention Scarlett Johansson?

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