Thursday, August 12, 2010

Take that, Brad!!!

So recently, Brad called the other contributors "lazy"... How dare he!!!! So I'm going to show him... by posting!!!

I honestly can't think of anything super exciting to post, though... So I'll pull a Brad and post about what's been going on... Maybe some of you can give me some ideas of things you want to hear about from this post (hint hint... that means reply to this post and give me ideas people!!!!)

First thing I'd like to do is defend myself for not posting... Try to keep up here. Monday through Friday I wake up at 5:30 am. I go to a friends house and work out. We are done working out around 7:15. We get ready for work and make all our food for the day (like Brad - I'm trying to lose weight... so we cook healthy meals and portion them out for the day... So far, I've lost 6 pounds!!)... Then I'm at work by 9:00 at the latest. I stay there until 7:00 pm (at the earliest). On Mondays and Tuesdays I go to pool at 7:30. Wednesdays I have Flag Football. Thursdays I go to happy hour with some friends. Fridays I either go to a live show or dinner with friends. All of which, I'm home by 11:00 pm or later. Saturdays I work out, do laundry, grocery shopping, and then go out Saturday night. Sunday is either farmers market or pool tournaments.

Ok... so there's the summary you never wanted to hear... but that should show you... it's tough for me to find time to post!! Not that you all aren't important or high on my priority list... but you just... aren't important or high on my priority list. :-)

So that leads to a lot of what's been going on... weight loss, pool, work, and fun. My goal is to lose a total of 30 lbs. I'm at 6 so far after 4 weeks. A slow start - but a healthy one. Like Brad said - it is tough to diet... but we have put ourselves on a 4 meals a day schedule that really helps... and we've been finding fun creative healthy recipes too. The hardest part is resisting the desire to go to that evil little vending machine down stairs at work.
My friend and I played in a scotch doubles pool tournament two weeks ago... We placed 1st out of 45 teams... split a $600.00 prize!!! Woohoo!!! I also won a pool tournament that enters me into a regional tournament in October. If I win that - it's another free trip to Vegas!!! In the mean time... I'm taking a free trip to Vegas in a couple weeks for pool...
Then there is work... Busy as always... I am going to Henderson NV for 2 weeks in September... Virginia here and there for a month or two at the end of the year... and in between I will be in Sarasota for a month every three months starting in November. I'm working on my Extreme Networks certification for work... and soon after will start studying for my Cisco CCNA.

So that's everything with me... So help me out here... What would you like to hear/learn about? Great healthy recipes? The "secrets" of losing weight and keeping it off? Winning pool tournaments? Traveling in Vegas? Networking? Fiber? Help me out!!! What do YOU want to hear about?!

Till next time...

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