Monday, August 16, 2010

BluePrints Gets a Bit Political

I think it's been long enough after being called out by Brad for not posting that I can safely write something here without looking reactionary. Yay!

And what better way to return than with a way of possibly losing some readers. But frankly, they aren't readers I want anyway. If you read the headlines, there's been a big debate in the news lately over a mosque being built next to Ground Zero. If you read some of the articles, you'll find out that President Obama has backed up the mosque being built, despite what sacrilege it is. And now, of course, the Republicans just got new campaign commercials. Now, it's fine using the other party's stance to distinguish yourself. But when that differentiation is pointing out how you're against blatant not discrimination, you should kind of be concerned.

The numbnuts against the Islamic mosque and community center being built there are claiming that it is insensitive to the victims and family of the 9/11 disaster. And it was a disaster. But really? A place of worship is now offensive just due to proximity of wreckage? Yes, that wreckage has some terrible memories attached to it, memories of a day that changed history and will not soon be forgotten. But if a church were to be built nearby, there would be no issue. No one would bat an eyelash at a synagogue being constructed. But apparently an entire religion is to blame for the attacks. And that's where I have a problem.

Now, I could go on a tangent about the atrocities that men have committed in the name of Christianity, but it would do no good. Instead, I'll take the time to point out that it was members of a very extreme sect of an otherwise peaceful religion, not the religion as a whole. Preventing the mosque from being constructed does not do anything constructive. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Most things done like this are done in the name of "fighting terrorism", which is a fine ideal. But this fails completely. For one, it only fuels the fires of terrorism. They hate the US for how intolerant and bossy we are. So how do we combat this? By being discriminatory and telling people what they can and can't do. And second, Islam is not terrorism. Instead of making more people of the same religion that caused the 9/11 attack, how about we foster some good feelings instead? Nah, we'll keep wondering why the gasoline makes the fire worse. I mean, it is a liquid, right?

And in response to the faux-pundits' out of context quotes from the Qur'an, I could point out just as non-contextual passages of smiting from the Bible. And yet, there's no "Hey, no churches here!" sign anywhere.

The fact is, there is very little left of the ideals that this country was founded upon, but the one that we've kept very true to overall was freedom of religion. The right to practice our beliefs in peace. But morons with the unfortunate ability to speak would like to stomp all over it. And even bigger morons with the even more unfortunate ability to speak to large groups of other morons are using all this general lack of common sense to troll for votes. Because that's what they are: Trolls. Needless to say, I've lost pretty much all faith in either parties.

But let's end this post on a high note. This was BluePrints' 100th post! This was all planned, I swear.

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