Friday, July 16, 2010

Travis' Review of Inception

I have to give a friend of mine, Matt (not the contributor or brother), credit for what is the best way to describe this movie: "No matter how high you set your expectations for Inception, you will be amazed. Don't be afraid.". And he's totally right.

Inception is without a doubt the most creative and original movie I've seen in quite some time, but unlike many other creative films, it has absolutely flawless execution. Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight) has done it again. The concept is simple: We hold secrets in our mind, and our mind is most active, and thus most vulnerable, when we sleep, so if you can share a dream with someone, you can find their secrets. But they didn't stop there and say "Let's make a cool looking dream movie". The level of depth that this concept was given was incredible, allowing the real world to affect the dream (If you have to pee, it's raining), and even using a dreamer's subconscious to project itself as random people who start getting pissed off if you start changing a dreamer's dream.

The casting was perfect. Leo once again played an incredibly flawed yet brilliant character incredibly well, Ellen Page strayed from her usual hipster-witty style (not saying I don't like that), and of course Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the perfect calm and collected guy who knows how to function sans-gravity. We do see some of Nolan's friends from Batman (Alfred and Ra's al Ghul) and the amazing Marion Cotillard as a rather disturbing presence.

The effects were over the top and definitely fitting of a dream world (or a dream within a dream world) (or a dream within a dream within a dream world). Massive cityscapes crumbling, or folding, avalanches, the works. I went in expecting it to be an awesome plot with a small fight scene or two, but there was a lot of action, but more importantly it was all well thought out, and the anti-gravity fight scene was one of the best I've seen in quite some time. And the ending... well, I won't ruin it, just go see it.

Overall, this movie was perfect to me. I seriously cannot think of a way to make it better. It has joined movies like Forrest Gump and Wall E as one of my top 5 films of all time without question. If this doesn't win far too many Oscars this year, I may find the voters and leave them flaming bags of poo. Now that you're done reading, go watch it. Seriously.

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