Friday, August 13, 2010

Battleship Beer Pong

So I was at work today, when I heard about this awesome/deadly game that sounds uber fun and I thought, "Dang... that would be a great BluePrints Blog post"... So here it is...

Do you remember the game Battleship?

It was pretty much awesome. You place your pegged ships where you find strategically fit... then your opponent lists off grids... Like "A-6". With the hopes of sinking your battleship...

You all know beer pong...

The game for tailgaters, drunks, college kids, houligans, crazy whipper snappers, etc. You set up cups filled with shots of beer in a triangle formation and try to throw a ping pong ball into your opponents formation. If you succeed, they drink. If you succeed to the point where all their cups are gone... you win. That's the basics...

Well... now... there's something more. Something bigger. Something better. Imagine a game with the strategery of battleship but the debauchery of beer pong...

Are you ready?!?!


The Set-up:

  1. Align your cups (36 of them) in a 6x6 grid. You can do 5x5 if you want to tone it down a notch... though people have been known to do 8x8 if they really want alcohol poisoning.

  2. Set up your ships. Typically for a 6x6 grid you can do a 4-cup ship, a 3-cup ship and a 2-cup ship... though the size/number of ships you want to use is pretty much up to you (as long as each team has the same standards). Your ship-cups will be a shot of liquor (your choice what kind).

  3. Set up the "water" (the non-ship-cups)... these are all the cups that don't have ships. They will be beer filled.

Now you're ready to play.

The Rules:

  1. Just like Beer Pong, the ultimate goal is to get ping pong balls in your opponents cups until they are all eliminated

  2. Just like Battleship, the ultimate goal is to sink your opponents ships.

  3. With those two goals in mind - a winner is called once all the ping pong balls have landed in all the ships spots.

  4. If you land a ping pong ball in the opponents beer cup - they drink the beer and put the empty cup back in it's place (some people who are really crazy re-fill that cup). If you land a ping pong ball in the opponents shot cup (a piece of a ship) - they drink the shot and put the cup UPSIDE DOWN back in it's place. This differentiation in what to do with the cups allows you to try to figure out where their ships are.

Is that not awesome?!?! Crazy?!?! I highly suggest you try it.

Brad - maybe a new game for UCF tailgating? Perhaps?

Please play/drink responsibly!!! :-)

Til Next time...


1 comment:

  1. The comments are endless. Why have I never heard of this before? What genius who is now dead from alcohol poisoning came up with this game? When are we getting together a bunch of people to play this game?

    And finally: GREATEST BLOG POST EVER!!!!!
