Thursday, April 8, 2010

Is it Too Soon For a Michael Jackson Post?

At the school I'm subbing at now, I eat lunch with 3 teachers. A female English (which I refuse to call "Language Arts") teacher and two male teachers. I don't really know what these two teach, except that one of them works with the ESE students. For those of you that don't know, ESE stands for Exceptionally Stupid rEtards (or something like that). Anyways, we were talking yesterday about some of the students in the school, and they mentioned the name of a girl who has not been here for a couple weeks. The female teacher told me I should be glad that she wasn't here because she "has demons." I laughed a little and smiled and she said "No, really. She told us." and the ESE teacher says "Yeah, she hears them speaking to her."

At this point, I'm a little intrigued, but mostly disappointed. I like interesting and strange things, so to me a kid with demons in my class would be really funny. I mention that I would like to have her in my class and the female teacher says "Mr. X" (not because I'm trying to protect him so much as I just don't know his name) "misses her too. She makes his days more fun."

Its at this point that the two of them make the greatest series of comments of all time, which I will print as a script because its just too good to be believed.

Mr. X: She channels Michael Jackson.
I stare at him in wonder.
Ms. E (for English): No, really. She'll dance in class.
I desperately contain my laughter.
Mr. X: Yeah. She gets up, does the moonwalk.
Ms. E: Sometimes, she'll just go "Heeheee" in the middle of me speaking.
Mr. X: while writing with an imaginary pencil. Even in her writing. In the middle of a sentence it will just say "Heeheee."

At this point, I cannot help but laugh. This conversation just got beyond the point of what I could handle maturely. I just have this vision of a large white girl (though I've never seen the girl in question and have no way of knowing either her size or race) with a mullet get up and go "Heeheee" in a really high pitched whine just like Michael Jackson and doing the moonwalk in the back of the room. At some point after moonwalking for about 20 feet, with the entire class staring at her, she shakes her head and says "What happened? Did I channel the King of Pop again?"

After lunch, I started wondering other things. I mean, if even in her writing she can't stop him from getting loose, how far does it reach into her life? Does she sing as good as Michael? Can she compose great pop music (even though that's sort of an oxymoron)? If she is white, is she at peace as Michael, since that's what he wanted all along anyways? If she has a crush on one of her little boy classmates, is it her or MJ?

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