The bigger issue to me is HOW this bill was passed. I would like to clarify that I do not have all the details of these events. Honestly, no one does. Again, the two sides of this issue have wildly different stories about how things happened. So, I'm going to describe the series of events I find to be most likely.
President Obama wanted this bill to go through. The democratic party has wanted this bill (or one similar to it) to be put through for decades. One of the big events of yesterday was the announcement that one of the senators (honestly, his name isn't important at this point) refused to accept the bill because it would setup the government to pay for abortions. To gain their support, congress decided that it would add a provision that said no funds could be used towards abortions. To which the supreme court said "No, that would be unconstitutional since Rowe v Wade gave women the constitutional right to abortions." So Obama in his infinitely fascist wisdom agreed to issue an executive order after the bill passes saying that the funds would not support abortion.
Another issue arises prior to last night. A number of senators were against the bill for various reasons, so concessions were made specifically for these senators. The democrats are claiming this is a normal practice (known as ear-marking) and that there is nothing wrong with it. Agreed, ear marking is normal. However, it usually means putting non-related issues onto a bill that is going to pass (like the Bridge to No Where fiasco). In this case, the senators are adding related issues. For example, one senator is getting a $300 million hospital for their state in the bill. Another is getting s $200 million hospital. The state of Florida is getting its medicaid paid for by the federal government for 10 years. These are things that fundamentally affect the bill. But more than that, it is a quid-pro-quo exchange. These senators agree to say yes to a bill that were going to say no to and get a gift for doing so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a bribe?
What I find most interesting is that of the 3 or 4 hours of coverage I watched on Dark Sunday, 90% was dedicated to talking about the abortion issue, completely ignoring the fact that this is a 100% partisan (not a single Republican voted for it) bill is being shoved down the throats of the American people, whether they want it or not. No talk about the fact that this ridiculously expensive bill is being passed at a time when the US is in nearly a $13 trillion deficit.
What I took out of the whole thing is that Metal Gear Solid was right. There has to be some over riding force behind everything in the world and the "bi-partisan" "government" that we see on the "free" media is just a charade to placate us all. I say that because the Republicans were so busy freaking out over abortions (a social issue which comes from a party that stands for lower control by Federal Government) that they eliminated followers and supporters. And not only in this one bill, but in all the elections for the last few years. They've been so caught up in social issues (anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, anti-science (stem cell) research, etc) that people who agree with their politics vote Democrat because of their social agenda. The Democrats push for more control to be given to the Federal Government (like telling us that we HAVE to have health insurance and what doctors are allowed to stay in business) and the men behind the curtain get more and more control of the world.
While you (and for that matter I) may not agree with my conspiracy theory insanity, It should concern you that the Federal Government is taking more and more control over our every day lives. Last time I checked, we created this country because of the same issue.